THE NEW Gastronomic Art
Just like music, dance, photography and fashion, cooking is a universal language that can be understood by anyone and everyone.
It maps out the outlines of our everyday existence, from breakfast to supper, and tells a lot about us, our passions and our fears. It takes up residence in the most intimate parts of our soul through memories and nostalgia.It appeals to the senses and, when done well, sparks delicious emotions.

Indomitable nature is, intrinsically, at the origin of everything.
Mother Earth, our accomplice and ally in the kitchen, seeks to reconcile her rights and our duties, thus making simplicity a principle, origin a safe bet and discovery an unquenched passion.
Ultimately, cooking is sharing. It is a cultural heritage, a living art that we can no longer and would not want to live without.
This is the new Art that has taken hold of Lucas Carton.